Jammies As Rain Gear

I admit that if it had been raining at the time I left for work this morning, I would have taken the EL train. But since it was only dark and gray with a 100% chance of rain, I went for the bike. Of course, it started raining two minutes into my ride. I figured it would, though, and I’m glad that I took the bike. The rain was not a downpour, but the wind was quite nasty. No bother – still better than public transit.

Woman v. Nature

Woman v. Nature

What do jammies have to do with this?

Rockin' the jammies

Rockin' the jammies

Not feeling like tying pants legs to escape Betty’s pants legs-hungry chain and being too cold for a skirt, I pretty much wore my jammies for the commute this morning.  I change into a suit once I get to work, so it doesn’t matter. A long underwear top and bottom set is about the most comfortable outfit to wear on a chilly spring morning. I had my rain trench coat over the elegant ensemble, so no one was the wiser.

Happily, I met up with Greg for the ride home. Otherwise, the 7-miles in cold rain would have been a drag. Instead, it was a fun time and he went along with my stops for picture-taking even though our fingers and toes were cold. His rain gear is more sophisticated than mine, but still just a rain jacket and neon yellow pannier cover (his pannier weighs more than his bike!). He does own geek-tastic rain pants, but lucky for my eyes, did not break them out today.

Greg's Rain Gear

Greg's Rain Gear

Granted, rain is not my favorite weather to cycle in, but I appreciate the differences, so each day is not exactly like the one before. Now I need to remember that Betty’s braking power is compromised in the wet weather (I’m used to Oma’s enclosed roller brakes).

You can't get fun like this on a sunny day, folks

You can't get fun like this on a sunny day, folks

And if you were wondering what the world looks like at 5:45 a.m. (I was, as I’m never out that early!) here’s a gorgeous Blackberry picture from Greg’s super-early commute (he’s working hard getting ready for the arrival of the otters).

Butt crack of dawn skyline

Butt crack of dawn skyline

Happy rainy, foggy, chilly, windy Monday.

[ETA: Bloggy friend Cyclin’ Missy was hit by a car this weekend!! We’re very happy that she is doing well and hope that her cuts and bruises heal quickly! Be careful out there folks, but sometimes there’s nothing you can do to avoid inattentive drivers.]

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12 thoughts on “Jammies As Rain Gear

  1. jOdy says:

    Sometimes I love biking in the rain. Usually you get the whole world to yourself and see it in a whole new way. Of course… it’s a lot more fun when it’s warm out.

  2. I find I am much happier when I appreciate the difference in the weather.

    Don’t get washed out to sea!

  3. Carolyn says:

    It’s not as much fun biking through cold rain, but boy oh boy, when it gets warm, and I’m not going anywhere important, I like to ride in the rain and go through puddles.

    The water looks choppy…..is it windy a lot of the time in Chicago?

    Spring has sprung here, snow disappearing fast. Bicyclists have come out of the cracks and from under rocks. Just need leaves to come out. We’ve had some rainy days here now which we really need to bring out the green.

    Is it still on the chilly side? Do you need to wear gloves still?

  4. Carolyn says:

    D’oh, stupid question about gloves. I see in pic above, you are wearing some. :) Sorry!

  5. dottie says:

    Yes, VERY windy and in the 30’s today :)

  6. I was with you as far as the rain goes yesterday morning and as I type this it would appear this morning as well.

  7. Val says:

    I think I may have forgotten what it’s like to ride when it’s NOT raining (or just about to rain, or just finishing up raining). We do still have fun, though, as you can see: http://www.rideyourbike.com/cargobikeride19.html One of our smallest rides, but the quality of the bikes and the company more than made up for it.

  8. dadabean says:

    What really has made the difference for me in rainy weather is full fenders and mudflaps that reach almost to the ground. I commuted for years on a BMW sportbike, and then I switched to an Italian scooter with full valanced fenders and a substantial leg shield. I was amazed at the difference in our North Florida Frog Stranglers. Same difference from a beach cruiser to the Raleigh with good mudflaps.

  9. E A says:

    I was wondering what your rain gear was… now I know!

  10. […] those interested in high-tech “gear,” here’s my rain set-up for today (no pajamas today, unfortunately): a plastic grocery bag wrapped around my normal shoulder bag and a good […]

  11. […] those interested in high-tech “gear,” here’s my rain set-up for today (no pajamas today, unfortunately): a plastic grocery bag wrapped around my normal shoulder bag and a good […]

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