Scottish Cycle Chic in Chicago

Jennifer is a bike commuter in Edinburgh, Scotland and an LGRAB reader. She owns both a WorkCycles Oma and a Pashley. When she mentioned that she was taking a vacation in Chicago, I was excited to suggest that we get together.

On Wednesday, we met up for a few beers with my friends Patty, Brian, Elizabeth and Dean (all bikey people, incidentally). Then yesterday Jennifer and I spent the day together with Oma and Betty. This turned out to be quite an adventure!

After a hearty Mexican lunch, we set out for the Shakespeare Theater at Navy Pier via the Lakefront Trail. The wind was exceptionally fierce, crashing waves onto the path all around us, and the rain unexpectedly picked up during the ride, but it was still great fun.

I assume this mounted police officer was there to make sure no one tried anything stupid, like surfing.

Our raincoats mostly protected us. When we got to the theater my tights dried quickly and Jennifer cleverly let her long tunic top become a dress, while her jeans hung to dry in the coat check room. Then we warmed up in the pub over whiskey and Baileys before settling in for a great production of Romeo and Juliet.

After the play, we walked along Navy Pier a bit as the wind whipped around us, speculating as to how difficult our journey home would be, since the tail wind we enjoyed on the way there would be a head wind.

We walked over to the ferris wheel for a ride but it was closed, apparently due to the high winds.

As we figured, the head wind was killer and the 7-mile ride home was slow, cold and dark – but pretty funny! We could not help laughing at the absurdity of the situation: the trail was deserted and the two of us, in our dresses and on our upright bikes, were the only ones intrepid enough to brave the weather.  

Undeterred, we swung by my place to pick up Mr. Dottie and continued our ride to the Lincoln Square neighborhood, where we enjoyed dinner at a very lively German restaurant. Schnitzel, mashed potatoes and steins of beer work wonders to warm a body.

The rain picked up full force for our late ride home and poor Jennifer’s jeans got soaked all over again. Luckily, she was just an L train ride away from the warmth and comfort of her hotel room.

Many thanks to Jennifer for being great company and such a good sport! What could have been grounds for complaining instead became a fun, invigorating, laughter-filled adventure. ‘Cause cycling ladies are cool like that. :)

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15 thoughts on “Scottish Cycle Chic in Chicago

  1. welshcyclist says:

    You’ve said it cycling ladies are cool, the coolest ladies on the planet.

  2. Maggie says:

    How fun! It’s all about perspective huh? Way to stay positive ladies. :-)

  3. When I saw the first pictures with the waves, for a second it seemed as if the lakefront was already frozen and covered in snow! Thankfully, even in Chicago it is too early for that.

    Glad you ladies had a good time despite the weather, and love those raincoats!

  4. maureen says:

    Too bad about the rain and wind…glad you made the best of it, and still had things to laugh about.

  5. Yay!! I am so glad to have found your blog! I always feel a bit out of place with the categories on mine…fashion, art, design, and then cycling. You get me! Look forward to following. xoox

  6. Simply Bike says:

    Although I’m sure it’s not what many might call wonderful, the night sounds pretty great to me! What an adventure and memorable evening together. This makes me so excited for my visit to Chicago, Dottie! :)

  7. Jennifer in Scotland says:

    I had such a wonderful day, despite being drenched twice! It was an absolute pleasure to spend time with you and Greg, and a real treat to experience the different Chicago neighbourhoods by bike.

  8. Nuresma says:

    Wow, it sounds pretty fun!
    I love having fun in difficult situations, it seems to be even more fun isn’t it?
    Lovely adventure, as always on this blog!

  9. Cathy says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun.

  10. Anne Hawley says:

    I’m so glad you got to ride bikes together! It sounds exhilarating, all that wind and rain.

  11. Ian (from England) says:

    So pleased you had a great time in Chicago Jennifer. Dottie is obviously a perfect host and you must have had a fantastic day together. I’m really jealous, I’d love to go to Chicago one day.

  12. sara says:

    Oh, yes *we* are :)

    So now it’s time to go to Edinburg. Ohhhh, I love that city!

  13. GTPowers says:

    Thus begins the colder side of LFP days.

    I am looking forward to my ginger rides up north to the oak street beach but I am not excited for the high tide splashes around the museum campus.

    Wonderful post.


  14. meligrosa says:

    I LOVE how the blogesphere brings us all together. you ladies look gorgeous and really enjoy seeing the weather-switch into fall.
    cheers lovelies!! xxo.m

  15. Maybe she would like to feature on Edinburgh Cycle Chic at home too…

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